Iceman is a 2017, racing bred thoroughbred who although tattoed and registered with The Jockey Club as Ice Box Time, never actually raced. He was born with bi-lateral laryngeal hemiplegia, or occlusion of his airway on both sides. We believe this is likely the reason that although he was trained and registered to race, he never actually did. We rescued Ice May 9, 2022 from an owner who was starving him and allowing an injury on his right front foot to fester. Iceman's rehabiliation has been incredibly slow and difficult, as he's rather opinionated and accident prone. Since coming to HPF, he's gained all of the weight he needed, had the injuries to his right foot repaired, severely injured and been hospitalized for his left front foot that required a cast, had tie-back surgery and vocal cordectomy to adress his breathing issues, battled crazy abscesses and numerous cuts, scrapes and bruises. Ice has a fan club he calls his Loyal Royals, as he fancies himself royalty, and is most commonly referred to as HRH Iceman Spicy Tuna. Tuna is his nickname as when he is healthy he is a very spicy character and keeps us all laughing. Iceman publishes a diary entry weekly since his 3 month stall rest, and can almost always be counted on for a good chuckle. Iceman is intended to be fully rehabilitated, trained and adopted out to a wonderful family. If he can ever remain healthy long enough for all of that to happen that is.